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Lead Tomorrow @ Hum hai Naye, Andaz kyon Ho Purana : Desh Smart ban raha he ! Aap kab Smart ban rahe ho ? Follow Us on .....


Krantikari Vishwa Sant Shri Rushiji
Spiritual leader and world renowned humanitarian is the founder of the Quality life, Vishwa Sant and other humanitarian organizations. His Solution refine humans values to such purity that they become  impregnable shields against manipulative and destructive influences.
His message is simple :
“ The master relationship is a love,
the greatest love possible.
The disciple Surrenders his ego to the master.
He bows down.  He says:
I bow down to the Vishwa,
I Surrender to the Vishwa,
I take shelter at your feet.
The moment he drops his ego he becomes part of the being of the  master.”

Vishwa Advt  















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